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Video tips menyusui mama muda
Video soal tips menyusui mama muda yang menceritakan tips menyusui dari mama muda buat para ibu di seluruh indonesia yang lagi menyusui atau memberikan air susu ibu ke buah hati nya. Ini ada tips dari mama acil agar ASI eksklusif yang kita berikan banyak gizi nya dan membuat tumbuh kembang bayi jadi sehat dan pintar. Dikala menyusui para ibu dianjurkan rajin memakan telur, untuk lebih jelasnya soal tips menyusui silahkan tonton video dari mama muda ini sampai habis ya. Karena sesungguhnya Menyusui bayi menurut para pakar selain berfungsi sebagai pemberian nutrisi, juga merupakan sebuah rahasia ikatan yang paling efektif antara ibu dan anak. di rekam oleh Acil Family saat April 30, 2016 at 04:32PM
Video Bayi imut usia seminggu cuplak pusar | Lepas Tali Pusar
Video soal Bayi imut usia seminggu cuplak pusar | Lepas Tali Pusar yang menceritakan Bayi imut usia seminggu cuplak pusar, video acil ini diambil ketika bayi usia seminggu. Iya adik eva acil cewek lepas tali pusat nya (tali pusar atau biasa disebut udel) ketika buah hati ini berusia 7 hari. Setelah lepas pusarnya dan ,masih basah terus bunda taruh di dalam kain atau dibersihkan dengan kasa beralkohol. Setelah tali pusat atau tali pusar atau udel nya lepas, itu jangan di buang ya bunda bunda sekalian. Krena menurut orang jawa atau sugesti dari orang tua, tali pusar bisa dijadikan obat waktu bayi terkena sakit panas, dengan cara tali pusatnya di rendam dalam air satu gelas dan di minumkan ke anak kita. Juga tali pusar ini bisa jadi jimat atau tolak bala apabila diajak berpergian jauh. di rekam oleh Acil Family saat April 30, 2016 at 11:34AM
Video Tips mengatasi sakit kuning pada bayi
Video soal Tips mengatasi sakit kuning pada bayi yang menceritakan Tips mengatasi sakit kuning pada bayi lucu buah hati anda dipersembahkan oleh bunda acil. Setiap wanita yang sudah melahirkan pasti menyayangi buah hatinya, dan tidak mau si bayi terkena penyakit. Berikut ini video tips mengatasi sakit kuning pada bayi imut dan lucu buah hati anda. Sebelum parah, lebih baik di antisipasi dengan memberikan vitamin D secara alami, yaitu di jemur di sinar mathari pagi agar adik bayi terhindar dari penyakit kuning. di rekam oleh Acil Family saat April 27, 2016 at 10:35AM
Simply Garden Edging Ideas You Can Try
Simply Garden Edging Ideas You Can Try You who have a garden and want to give the edges but you love simplicity? You can apply edges to your garden with simple design but still looks attractive also unique. simply garden edging If you do not have a lot of cost and time to do so, you can add some plants or something that you can make as ledges for your garden. The following are some simple ledges that you can apply in your home garden. Good luck!
#simplygarden #gardenedging
Simply Garden Edging Ideas You Can Try You who have a garden and want to give the edges but you love simplicity? You can apply edges to your garden with simple design but still looks attractive also unique. simply garden edging If you do not have a lot of cost and time to do so, you can add some plants or something that you can make as ledges for your garden. The following are some simple ledges that you can apply in your home garden. Good luck!
#simplygarden #gardenedging
Garden Edging Made By Stone Design Ideas
Garden Edging Made By Stone Design Ideas If you are going to add the edges of your garden at home, you can use several media such as wood, concrete stone, or even ferrous materials. garden edging made by stone Application, usually a few people will make it out of the stone material or concrete. Depending on how much money they have. If you want the edges of your garden can survive for some time, you can use the ledges made of stone or concrete. You can apply it around your garden. If you feel less attractive, you can also make it in such a way to look attractive and also unique. The following are some examples for the design of the garden ledges made of stone or concrete. Please try it at home. design ideas
#gardenedging #stone
Garden Edging Made By Stone Design Ideas If you are going to add the edges of your garden at home, you can use several media such as wood, concrete stone, or even ferrous materials. garden edging made by stone Application, usually a few people will make it out of the stone material or concrete. Depending on how much money they have. If you want the edges of your garden can survive for some time, you can use the ledges made of stone or concrete. You can apply it around your garden. If you feel less attractive, you can also make it in such a way to look attractive and also unique. The following are some examples for the design of the garden ledges made of stone or concrete. Please try it at home. design ideas
#gardenedging #stone
Hydroponics Farming For Beginners
Hydroponics Farming For Beginners You who have a garden and want to give the edges but you love simplicity? You can apply edges to your garden with simple design but still looks attractive also unique. Hydroponics farming If you do not have a lot of cost and time to do so, you can add some plants or something that you can make as ledges for your garden. The following are some simple ledges that you can apply in your home garden. Good luck!
#hydroponics #farming
Hydroponics Farming For Beginners You who have a garden and want to give the edges but you love simplicity? You can apply edges to your garden with simple design but still looks attractive also unique. Hydroponics farming If you do not have a lot of cost and time to do so, you can add some plants or something that you can make as ledges for your garden. The following are some simple ledges that you can apply in your home garden. Good luck!
#hydroponics #farming
Garden Borders Edging Design Ideas
Garden Borders Edging Design Ideas Has its own garden and make our home page to always diligent care and cleaning the dirt. Many garden owners care of his garden but do not pay attention to environment around the plantation. If you do not want your garden filthy with garbage that does not come from your garden, you can give him a barrier so that did not participate polluted. garden borders edging However, so you have to be diligent to care and cleaning of waste that could spoil the beauty of the surroundings of your garden. Here are some garden design limit that you can apply in your garden. Good luck! design ideas
#gardenborders #gardenedging #designideas
Garden Borders Edging Design Ideas Has its own garden and make our home page to always diligent care and cleaning the dirt. Many garden owners care of his garden but do not pay attention to environment around the plantation. If you do not want your garden filthy with garbage that does not come from your garden, you can give him a barrier so that did not participate polluted. garden borders edging However, so you have to be diligent to care and cleaning of waste that could spoil the beauty of the surroundings of your garden. Here are some garden design limit that you can apply in your garden. Good luck! design ideas
#gardenborders #gardenedging #designideas
Video bayi lucu main skateboard
Video soal bayi lucu main skateboard yang menceritakan Bayi lucu main skateboard ini terjadi hari ini. iya, bunda acil lagi bermain dengan eva acil (anak kecil) cewek sekaligus berolahraga dengan skateboard. Tujuannya sih agar si baby tidak menangis dan cepat besar kalau diajak bermain dengan skateboard. Lucunya, bayi ini malah menangis ketika digerakkan diatas skateboard. Terima kasih sudah menonton video acil family di rekam oleh Acil Family saat April 25, 2016 at 04:21PM
Video Cara mengatasi kulit mengelupas pada Bayi
Video soal Cara mengatasi kulit mengelupas pada Bayi yang menceritakan Cara mengatasi kulit mengelupas pada Bayi. Biasanya pada janin yang baru lahir seperti bayi acil cewek ini, kulit bayi akan terlihat mengelupas dan kering. Jadi para bunda di seluruh Indonesia jangan khawatir. Ini bunda acil akan memberikan tips dan cara mengatasi kulit bayi yang mengelupas. Ya caranya dengan rajin memberikan body lotion khusus baby, atau pelembab yang tidak ada kandungan alkohol nya. Pelembab ini berfungsi untuk melembabkan kulit bayi sekaligus mengatasi kulit mengelupas pada anak. di rekam oleh Acil Family saat April 24, 2016 at 09:55AM
Video Menyedihkan bayi mungil terpisah dari ibu nya
Video soal Menyedihkan bayi mungil terpisah dari ibu nya yang menceritakan Menyedihkan bayi mungil terpisah dari ibu nya, kejadian ini dikala acil cewek terdiagnosis infeksi. Sehingga bayi yang mungil ini harus di taruh di ruang khusus yang steril alias di incubator dan terpisah dengan mama nya. Semua ini demi kesehatan bayi mungil ini sendiri, agar kelak tidak mudah terkena penyakit. di rekam oleh Acil Family saat April 23, 2016 at 02:17PM
Video Menggemaskan bayi imut di incubator
Video soal Menggemaskan bayi imut di incubator yang menceritakan Menggemaskan bayi imut di incubator, video acil ini direkam waktu kondisi bayi terindikasi kena infeksi karena keracunan air ketuban keruh (air ketuban berwarna hijau). Bayi lucu yang berada di inkubator ini terlihat menggemaskan dan imut sekali, membuat bunda ingin memeluk baby dan mendekapnya. Bayi imut ini berjenis kelamin cewek dan bernama Eva Srikandi Rosdiana di akte lahir nya. di rekam oleh Acil Family saat April 22, 2016 at 08:43AM
Video Tangisan pertama bayi lucu Acil
Video soal Tangisan pertama bayi lucu Acil yang menceritakan Tangisan pertama bayi lucu Acil, video ini diambil waktu acil (anak kecil) cewek baru lahir. Ya emang bayi nangis untuk pertama kali itu menggemaskan dan imut, karena orangtua merasa lega dan bahagia karena bayi yang dilahirkan sehat dengan pertanda tangisan nya yang keras. Bayi lucu menangis ini direkam beberapa hari lalu di rumah sakit royal di ruangan diamond, tempat bunda dirawat setelah melahirkan. Dan bayi acil pun boleh di dekap dan ditaruh di samping ibu nya sewaktu bayi lucu ini menangis. di rekam oleh Acil Family saat April 19, 2016 at 06:53PM
Video Kondisi bayi di inkubator
Video soal Kondisi bayi di inkubator yang menceritakan Kondisi bayi cewek di inkubator. Ini adalah video acil cewek yang baru lahir dan langsung di taruh di inkubator biar suhu badan tetap hangat. Hal ini juga agar udara tetap steril dan menjaga pergantian kondisi bayi yang habis dari rahim biar tetap hangat setelah melihat dunia yang penuh suka cita ini. Box inkubator menjaga suhu tubuh bayi acil agar tetap hangat dan sehat. di rekam oleh Acil Family saat April 17, 2016 at 01:13PM
Video Pembukaan pecah ketuban sebelum Melahirkan
Video soal Pembukaan pecah ketuban sebelum Melahirkan yang menceritakan Pembukaan pecah ketuban sebelum Melahirkan, ya video ini direkam sewaktu beberapa malam lalu saat bunda acil merasa mengeluarkan air ketuban di campur darah. Langsung saja bunda dibawa ayahanda ke Rumah Sakit Royal Surabaya, dan di periksa di UGD karena itu tempat terdekat dari rumah acil. Setelah diperiksa di IGD ternyata bunda acil sudah pembukaan 4, lalu sama susternya disiapkan kamar bersalin untuk proses melahirkan. Sewaktu berjalan dan sampai di kamar bersalin atau maternity room, ternyata bunda sudah pembukaan 7 dan tidak lama kemudian ketuban sudah pecah (tapi sayang nya air ketuban hijau atau air ketuban keruh) di rekam oleh Acil Family saat April 16, 2016 at 10:30PM
Simple Kitchen Cabinet Design Ideas for New House
Simple Kitchen Cabinet Design Ideas for New House Has a simple kitchen and clean is very pleasant. Moreover, many of them are choosing the kitchen with a simple design expecting the kitchen frequently used can be easily cleaned of dirt. Those who choose to design a simple kitchen will easily cleaned of dirt after cooking. Typically, the owner of the house will design their kitchen with a simple kitchen design because of funding constraints and also the available land. simple kitchen cabinet The following are some simple kitchen designs that you can use as a reference for application in your home.
#simplekitchen #cabinet #kitchencabinet
Bathroom Sink Design Ideas for Your New Design
Bathroom Sink Design Ideas for Your New Design Sink for the bathroom is usually specially designed to create the impression of a comfortable and clean. The design aims to be easy to clean and also free to use. For those of you who have indoor bathrooms are not too large, you can use some simple sink design but also interesting. As well as those of you who have indoor bathrooms are spacious enough, you can apply a sink big enough for your convenience and also the balance towards the shower room. bathroom sink The following are some of the design of the sink that you can make as an example to be applied to your bathroom.
#bathroomsink #designideas
Unique Sink Design Ideas for Your Unique House
Unique Sink Design Ideas for Your Unique House Choose a unique sink is a very pleasant thing, especially also have a house with a unique design. This will increase knowledge and insight on the diversity of architectural forms that might be used as the main option. unique sink design ideas Some people designing and furnishing their homes with unique design, this makes them look unique and unusual. The sink is in unique designs also have architectural value and high art, which makes anyone would race to get a sink with a unique design.
#uniquesink #designideas
Unique Sink Design Ideas for Your Unique House Choose a unique sink is a very pleasant thing, especially also have a house with a unique design. This will increase knowledge and insight on the diversity of architectural forms that might be used as the main option. unique sink design ideas Some people designing and furnishing their homes with unique design, this makes them look unique and unusual. The sink is in unique designs also have architectural value and high art, which makes anyone would race to get a sink with a unique design.
#uniquesink #designideas
Video Periksa Janin di USG
Video soal Periksa Janin di USG yang menceritakan Check fetal ultrasound alias periksa janin di USG. iya, beberapa waktu lalu waktu mendekati acil cewek lahir, bunda memeriksakan kesehatan calon bayi atau janin ke dokter kandungan di rumah sakit Surabaya, dekat dengan rumah bunda acil. Pemeriksaan USG adalah pemeriksaan janin menggunakan frekuensi gelombang suara tinggi yang dipantulkan ke tubuh untuk mengetahui kondisi jabang bayi atau fetus. Dan alhamdulilah, sekarang bunda sudah melahirkan bayi wanita yang cantik dan imut serta lucu Acil cewek yang saya aksih nama Eva. di rekam oleh Acil Family saat April 15, 2016 at 10:03AM
Video Senam memperlancar persalinan normal ala bunda acil
Video soal Senam memperlancar persalinan normal ala bunda acil yang menceritakan Senam memperlancar persalinan normal ala bunda acil, Dengan melakukan senam hamil secara teratur seperti yang bunda acil praktekkan di video ini, stamina ibu hamil akan terjaga sehingga tubuh lebih siap menjalani proses persalinan. Video ini lanjutan dari greakan senam sebelumnya yang sudah bunda praktekkan di video sebelumnya, mulai dari gerakan senam ibu hamil yang membantu memudahkan persalinan adalah senam kegel, jalan kaki, senam jongkok, miringkan panggul, pose tailor, berbaring dll. di rekam oleh Acil Family saat April 11, 2016 at 05:05PM
Video Senam untuk mempermudah melahirkan - tips bunda
Video soal Senam untuk mempermudah melahirkan - tips bunda yang menceritakan Senam untuk mempermudah melahirkan adalah salah satu tips dari bunda acil. Gerakan senam hamil ini biasa bunda acil lakukan pada waktu kehamilan usia 8 bulan. Tujuan senam hamil ini agar proses melahirkan jadi lancar dan selamat ibu dan bayi nya. Tips bunda soal senam hamil ini didapatkan dari mama acil atau nenek. Dulu beliau biasa melakukan gerakan senam untuk mempermudah melahirkan ini pada kehamilan 9 bulan waktu mengandung bunda acil. di rekam oleh Acil Family saat April 8, 2016 at 09:40PM
Video Wanita hamil di rumah sakit kebidanan
Video soal Wanita hamil di rumah sakit kebidanan yang menceritakan Wanita hamil di rumah sakit kebidanan, ya bunda acil pada kehamilan usia 6 bulan sedang memeriksakan kehamilannya di rumah sakit Royal, Surabaya dan ditangani oleh maternity dokter yang ahli dalam bidang kebidanan. Pregnant women in obstetric hospitals untuk persalinan acil cewek ini, bunda memilih untuk melhirkan di Rumah Sakit Swasta. Karena kebanyakan dari ibu hamil di Indonesia memilih melahirkan di rumah sakit bersalin atau klinik, di mana ada hampir di setiap kecamatan. Tapi persalinan rumah sakit tidak harus menggunakan teknologi canggih kalau tidak operasi caesar. di rekam oleh Acil Family saat April 8, 2016 at 04:05PM
Video Pregnant mom when wash the dishes
Video soal Pregnant mom when wash the dishes yang menceritakan Pregnant mom when wash the dishes, mother acil when pregnant washing the dishes. Now she needs help to wash dishes, are you have to be the person who will help her wash the dishes that will give a helping hand because mom pregnant don't lots activities di rekam oleh Acil Family saat April 8, 2016 at 03:40PM
hottest movies Ratchet & Clank
Ratchet and Clank tells the story of two unlikely heroes as they
struggle to stop a vile alien named Chairman Drek from destroying every
planet in the Solana Galaxy. When the two stumble upon a dangerous
weapon capable of destroying entire planets, they must join forces with a
team of colorful heroes called The Galactic Rangers in order to save
the galaxy.
ratchet & clank film clip
When the two stumble upon a dangerous weapon capable of destroying
entire planets, they must join forces with a team of colorful heroes
called The Galactic Rangers in order to save the galaxy. Along the way
they'll learn about heroism, friendship, and the importance of
discovering one's own identity.
Enjoy watching this Ratchet & Clank 2016 film in here with free, also please share file to your friends.
Enjoy watching this Ratchet & Clank 2016 film in here with free, also please share file to your friends.
Unique Stairs Designs
Ladder in the present era has become an important part of its own which
is able to give the impression of elegance and luxury to a dwelling.
unique stairs design ideas
Steps of the house sometimes also in a unique design as the characteristics of the building to be easily recognizable also distinguished with stairs in general Unique Stairs Designs
Steps of the house sometimes also in a unique design as the characteristics of the building to be easily recognizable also distinguished with stairs in general Unique Stairs Designs
Small Gardens With Low Prices
Small Gardens With Low Prices
Has its own garden is a pleasant thing. But we can be happy harvest their crops, we also can feel the air is beautiful.
Lots of several starters are confused and hesitant to start gardening because it will be a lot of money. This makes some people will think twice when they want to start to have their own garden.
However, with some used items can still be used, then we need not worry about the cost to be incurred for gardening.
Some items that are not used in the home can be put to good use to start gardening. The following are some examples.
#smallgarden #lowpricesgarden #garden
Greenhouse Inside - Wintergarten
Greenhouse Inside - Wintergarten Walk around and spend a lot of time in the garden is very pleasant, especially if spending time with loved ones. Some pleasant place used as a destination to spend time together. However, there are some people who spend their time traveling in some places to add their insights. Like spending time together in the greenhouse and learn some plant species. In addition to add insight, get used to seeing the plant is able to add poise.
#greenhouseinside #wintergarten #greenhouse
Greenhouse Inside - Wintergarten Walk around and spend a lot of time in the garden is very pleasant, especially if spending time with loved ones. Some pleasant place used as a destination to spend time together. However, there are some people who spend their time traveling in some places to add their insights. Like spending time together in the greenhouse and learn some plant species. In addition to add insight, get used to seeing the plant is able to add poise.
#greenhouseinside #wintergarten #greenhouse
Make Your Own Small Garden in The Backyard
Make Your Own Small Garden in The Backyard Has its own garden behind the house is the desire of every person. Gardens filled with ornamental plants, medicinal plants, fruits or vegetables. A lot of people who want to have their own garden. But many do not have enough land to create your own garden. Gardening, in modern times such as this is a wonderful thing, because in addition to adding a beautiful environment and atmosphere, the garden owner is given an advantage because they can enjoy the fruits of their garden when they harvest. The following are suggestions for the novice who wants to create his own garden in back of your house on the cheap.
#smallgardenbackyard #smallgarden #gardenbackyard
Make Your Own Small Garden in The Backyard Has its own garden behind the house is the desire of every person. Gardens filled with ornamental plants, medicinal plants, fruits or vegetables. A lot of people who want to have their own garden. But many do not have enough land to create your own garden. Gardening, in modern times such as this is a wonderful thing, because in addition to adding a beautiful environment and atmosphere, the garden owner is given an advantage because they can enjoy the fruits of their garden when they harvest. The following are suggestions for the novice who wants to create his own garden in back of your house on the cheap.
#smallgardenbackyard #smallgarden #gardenbackyard
Wintergarten_Conservatory - Greenhouse
Wintergarten_Conservatory - Greenhouse Wintergarten conservatory or commonly called the green house or in the English language is a greenhouse used to grow other crops as well. Wintergarten comes from the German language is commonly called the greenhouse in English. Wintergarten amazingly constructed for informal meetings or also plant crops.
#wintergarten #conservatory #greenhouse
Wintergarten_Conservatory - Greenhouse Wintergarten conservatory or commonly called the green house or in the English language is a greenhouse used to grow other crops as well. Wintergarten comes from the German language is commonly called the greenhouse in English. Wintergarten amazingly constructed for informal meetings or also plant crops.
#wintergarten #conservatory #greenhouse
Gardening Indoor - Greenhouse_wintergarten
Gardening Indoor - Greenhouse_wintergarten Gardening is very pleasant. Gardening can be done anywhere. Both outdoors and indoors. Gardening to be very fun if done together. Gardening in the room to be very pleasant if many variety of plants that exist there. So, then we do not need to do anything else. Gardening indoors to be the only alternative if we do not have the vast empty land that can be used for gardening.
#gardeningindoor #greenhouse #wintergarten
Gardening Indoor - Greenhouse_wintergarten Gardening is very pleasant. Gardening can be done anywhere. Both outdoors and indoors. Gardening to be very fun if done together. Gardening in the room to be very pleasant if many variety of plants that exist there. So, then we do not need to do anything else. Gardening indoors to be the only alternative if we do not have the vast empty land that can be used for gardening.
#gardeningindoor #greenhouse #wintergarten
Gardening Documentary in A Large Area / Wintergarten / Greenhouse
Gardening Documentary in A Large Area / Wintergarten / Greenhouse Gardening is very pleasant. A very pleasant thing is when harvesting the crop is when we've been waiting and taking good care of the plants grown. The day when we start to loosen the soil with the aid or not, the day started with seeds or seedlings and soil nourished, when the seeds of the plants transferred to soil nutrients, we must constantly water it regularly, provide fertilizer and also keep it from pests plant. We also had to clean the plants from weeds and also from fungi, bacteria and others. In addition, always take good care, it will produce a vegetable / fruit without pesticides.
#gardeningdocumentary #gardening #wintergarten #greenhouse
Gardening Documentary in A Large Area / Wintergarten / Greenhouse Gardening is very pleasant. A very pleasant thing is when harvesting the crop is when we've been waiting and taking good care of the plants grown. The day when we start to loosen the soil with the aid or not, the day started with seeds or seedlings and soil nourished, when the seeds of the plants transferred to soil nutrients, we must constantly water it regularly, provide fertilizer and also keep it from pests plant. We also had to clean the plants from weeds and also from fungi, bacteria and others. In addition, always take good care, it will produce a vegetable / fruit without pesticides.
#gardeningdocumentary #gardening #wintergarten #greenhouse
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